In a move to ensure transparency and accountability in the compensation fund, the commissioner for the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) has issued a crucial notice, bringing to light the necessity for confirmation of life documents for all foreign pensioners and beneficiaries. This directive, as outlined in Notice no. 3930 published in Government Gazette No. 49398 on 2 October 2023, holds significant implications for those receiving monthly pensions from the Compensation Fund.

Who Does This Affect?

This notice applies to a broad spectrum of individuals, primarily targeting non-South African citizens living within or beyond South Africa’s borders. Additionally, it encompasses South African citizens residing outside the nation’s boundaries, provided they fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Injury on Duty (IOD) or Occupational Disease (OD) Pensioners: Those who receive monthly pensions due to a disability.
  2. Dependents of Deceased Pensioners: This includes guardians who receive pensions on behalf of dependents under the age of 18 years old.

The Essential Documentation

To comply with this verification process, the following mandatory documentation is to be submitted:

  1. Completed Wac.22 Form: This is a critical component of the confirmation process, providing essential information.
  2. Certified Copies of Valid Identification Documents: These should be current and dated within three months. They are applicable to pensioners, spouses, and guardians.
  3. Certified Copies of Birth Certificates: For dependent children, these are to be submitted in an approved format. This requirement is specific to child dependents receiving a pension.

Potential Additional Documentation

In some cases, the fund may request further confirmation, including but not limited to:

  • Certified copies of death certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Proof of guardianship
  • Confirmation of banking details, among others

These supplementary documents, if required, should be furnished promptly to ensure a smooth verification process.

Submission Details

All the necessary documentation for the confirmation of life should be submitted via email to In the subject line of the email, please include ‘Confirmation of Life’ followed by your claim number and/or business partner number. This detailed subject line will expedite the processing of your documents.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failure to submit the mandated confirmation of life documents within the stipulated time frame will result in the suspension and termination of pensioners and beneficiaries from the pension payroll file. To prevent any disruption in the flow of your pension, it is imperative that all required documentation be submitted by the designated deadlines.

The COIDA Confirmation of Life initiative underscores the commitment to upholding the integrity of the compensation fund and ensuring that only eligible individuals receive pension benefits. Compliance with these regulations is not only essential but also safeguards the livelihoods of those who rely on these funds.