SARS will be implementing some new amendments to taxation laws that should make it simpler for employees working from home to claim tax benefits.  

To qualify for these tax benefits, employees are required to be familiar with guidelines on how to claim their benefits and be tax compliant.  

SARS will be hosting a series of interactive webinars to provide clarity and certainty and to make it easy for taxpayers to meet their tax obligations. 

SARS invites you to attend their first webinar on the topic of “Home Office Tax Requirements.

The aim of this session is to assist taxpayers with all the information and rules required to claim for Home Office Expenses if they were working from a home-based office.

This will be the first in a series of webinars and videos where SARS experts empower taxpayers to be tax compliant and to avoid interest and penalties. 

Date: Thursday, 08 July 2021
Time: 17:30 – 19:00
Platform: Virtual Session using YouTube (see link below)

Join the session using this link: