As you are aware SARS has had challenges with the Flash Player and certain interim steps have already been taken. We have now released a SARS Browser Solution that only works with eFiling.
The SARS Browser enables access to ALL eFiling forms, including those that require Adobe Flash, thus maintaining compliance with your filing obligations. Click here to download the SARS Browser. To see our easy steps on how to download the browser, click here.
The guide can be accessed on this link https://www.sars.gov.za/AllDocs/OpsDocs/Guides/GEN-ELEC-21-G01%20-%20How%20to%20download%20the%20new%20SARS%20eFiling%20Browser%20-%20External%20Guide.pdf
I may also indicate that we have had various external security checks of this solution and we are happy with the security of this product.
If you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to inform us.
In addition, we have been working on various solutions for the Tax Compliance Status. To this end we rolled out the TCS application for Good Standing and Tender. Please may I kindly request that you inform your members.
Kindly note:
- Use the button at top of landing page “Tax Status”
- The TCS Pin letter does take some time to generate